Used to create a vault in the contract
Contains keys collateral that indicates the amount of collateral that will be used to create the vault, mintAmount that indicates the amount of xusd tokens to be minted, vault that indicates the contract we are communicating with, minimumPrice that indicates the minimum price allowed for this transaction and maximumPrice that indicates the maximum price allowed for this transaction
A boolean indicating if the vault was created or not
Will trigger interest to accrue on a specific user vault
Contains address of vault to accrue interest for. Also includes vault which indicates the contract this function should interact with.
A boolean indicating of fees were collected or not
Allows you to fund this account from the faucet when on the Reach devnet
A boolean indicating if this account was successfully funded or not
The formatted adress of this account
An object with key tokenId that indicates the ASA id whose balance this function must return, this key's value should be set to zero for the native token balance
The balance of the specified tokenId
contractId which indicates the contract we want to interact with, and the backend to use (see utils.ts for backend options)
Returns the contract address
An object with key vault that indicates the contract whose address is to be retrieved, and the backend to use (see utils.ts for backend options)
A formatted address of the specified contract as a string
An object with key tokenId that indicates the ASA id whose balance this function must return, this key's value should be set to zero for the native token balance
The balance of the specified tokenId
A UInt8 array which is the secretKey of this Reach account
Contains key address which indicates the vault we want to retrieve the info of as well as key vault that indicates the contract we want to interact with
the information for the specified vault
Initialises the reachAccount property
Contains keys address, debtAmount, vault, dripInterest, minimumPrice allowed for this transaction and maximumPrice allowed for this transaction. Include dripInterest if you would like the vault debt to be updated before liquidation
A boolean indicating if the vault was liquidated or not
Contains keys address, debtAmount, vault, dripInterest, minimumPrice allowed for this transaction and maximumPrice allowed for this transaction. Include dripInterest if you would like the vault debt to be updated before liquidation
A boolean indicating if the vault was liquidated or not
Contains the amount of xUsd tokens to be minted, the vault in which the token should be minted, minimumPrice that indicates the minimum price allowed for this transaction and maximumPrice that indicates the maximum price allowed for this transaction
A boolean indicating if the xUsd tokens were successfully minted or not
Allows an instance of the account class to opt into an Algorand standard Asset
The asa ID to opt into
Propose the address of a vault that could be redeemable, to qualify the vault must be 'less healthy' than any of the other proposed vaults, or there must be a free slot.
Address of vault to propose, and target vault contract.
A boolean indicating success of call.
Attempt to redeem some of the Vault asset against a redeemable vault, to receive vault collateral.
Contains the amount of xUSD to redeem, the vault to redeem it from, minimumPrice that indicates the minimum price allowed for this transaction and maximumPrice that indicates the maximum price allowed for this transaction
A boolean indicating success of call.
An object with key amount signifying the amount of debt tokens to return, key vault indicating the Contract and key close indicating if the vault should be closed
A boolean indicating if the vault debt was returned or not
Used to set the admin properties of a vault
An object that contains an [[AdminProperties]] object and the target Vault.
A boolean indicating if the properties were set or not
Subscribes to all vault events and calls the provided callbacks when the event is fired
An object that contains key vaultId, key createCallback and key transactionCallback
Contains amount of collateral to be withdrawn, the vault they should be withdrawn from, minimumPrice that indicates the minimum price allowed for this transaction and maximumPrice that indicates the maximum price allowed for this transaction
A boolean indicating if the collaterals were successfully withdrawn or not
Generated using TypeDoc
An optional string of 25 words seperated by spaces that can be used to recover an algorand account